Thursday, April 1, 2010

31 Women in Art Photography

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Hello everyone,

There are still 10 days left to see Humble Art Foundation's well received second annual survey: 31 Women in Art Photography. LTI / Lightside is pleased to have been a sponsor of this project and to have worked with a number of the exhibiting artists.

There will be a panel discussion with the curators this Saturday, April 3rd, titled Past, Perspective and Projections featuring Charlotte Cotton of the National Media Museum; Vanessa Kramer, Director of Photographs at Phillips de Pury; Humble co-founder, Jon Feinstein, and exhibiting artists Justine Reyes and Sasha Rudensky ... this provides an excellent opportunity to see the show and gain perspective on Humble Arts' purpose in presenting these terrific artists.

I hope you can make it.

Jeffrey Kane
LTI / lightside photographic services
31 Women in Art Photography
Humble Arts Foundation at Affirmation Arts, March 6 - April 10

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Installation views courtesy of Nat Ward and Humble Arts Foundation

There are two things that struck me about Humble's second edition of 31 Women in Art Photography.

The first came in the form of plain statistics that I received from Humble co-founder, Amani Olu:

"This year in New York City hundreds of galleries and museums will mount group and solo exhibitions. On average, less than 25% of the artists presented in these exhibitions will be women. Less than 20% of those artists will be women photographers, and even less will be emerging."

This is the key to understanding why HAF has championed this project for the second time and provides a clear reflection of its principles as a foundation. Not coincidentally, this is also a core reason why LTI / Lightside signed on to be the exhibition sponsor as well as co-founding the Women in Photography LTI / Lightside Individual Project Grant last year.

The second is easily recognizable to anyone who visits the show ... it's the extraordinary level of professionalism on display, which is not just evident in the work, but also in the presentation of the exhibition itself. 31 Women in Art Photography is simply a beautiful show to behold. The Affirmation Arts space, with its 20' sky-lit ceiling and diffuse natural light enhances what many have remarked upon as one of the strongest curated shows to open during this year's New York Art Fair week.

Humble does a great job of spreading the word ... and in this day and age it's always tempting to skim the reviews and click through the jpegs online. In this case, however, those of you in New York might consider this ... don't miss it!

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